Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 6: At last... Denmark, and the end of a fantastic walk!

I've come at last to the end of this section of the Bibbulmun Track. I've reached Denmark, home to 5,000 residents and having a village feel about it. It's fitting that the end to a walk should allow one to spend a day here and relax.
Denmark, view over the Denmark River

But to reach this beautiful town, I had to descend Tower Hill, ascend Mt Halloway, and miss two turns.
GPS coordinates of spot where I missed a vital waugal and walked an extra 1.5km

The views over the ocean were spectacular as in previous days.

To conclude, I must honour my promise to share a walker's log. Here's an interesting one I found at William Bay Shelter:

Today, however ... ack! 6am start, nice morning until 9.30, then, wet set in. Drenched by overgrown bush on Mt Hallowell. Some helpful motivational type who probably has a big smug grin permanently fixed to his face and gets up at 5 am every morning for a brisk walk before a breakfast of plain oatmeal and lemongrass-pumpernickel tea with rice milk to prepare himself for another day's work as a fitness instructor for vegan orphans wrote "do it!" On the signpost pointing the spur trail to the Mt Halloway summit. Andy politely disagrees. DO NOT DO IT if it is wet or cloudy. You won't see a thing and you will get drenched by the head high plant growth across the trail. Brrr!

No damn raincoat as it broke. Rain cover for pack broke - though this can be fixed with running repairs and this is good not only cos it will keep my stuff dry but because it makes me sound like the kind of bloke who does 'running repairs' on stuff. Book got wet, which is about he only thing that could make Tolstoy more depressing,heavy rain which set in at the bottom of the hill before I got here ruined my day's walk, tea and soup, followed by more tea and soup, did some running repairs on it.

However ... however ... met my first people on the trail. Today crossed the 100 km mark - yeah! About to drink bourbon, eat peanuts and read wet To.stoy. I'm in beautiful country, and if the weather lifts, I may even get to see more than two feet at a time. And my charity page for a sick wee girl called Anna Penman back home, has just reached double its initial target. Token plug, for more info. Life is good, and I feel great. Just keep swimming.
Happiness is finding a zip pouch on your pack you never knew was there.

Happy trails! 

I also must acknowledge with gratitude the support of the following persons:

Tracy prepared the best food I could carry with me. Acar is a great Malaysian pickle. Made from cucumber, carrot, long bean, red chili pepper, peanuts, and other vegetables, it's usually served with rice. But I found it taste superb on rice cakes. Cheese made my lunches complete.

Maria encouraged me to take the plunge and do it, although she hates it in winter. The Walpole - Albany section of the Bib Track s also Maria's favorite.
 The beautiful Light's Beach

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